Surveyor™ Central System (Clinical Research)


The Surveyor™ Central System enables continuous 12-lead ECG monitoring and trending using the VERITAS™ ECG algorithm with S12/S19 bedside monitors and Surveyor S4 wireless mobile monitors.

The Surveyor™ Central System enables continuous 12-lead ECG monitoring and trending using the VERITAS™ ECG algorithm. The system works with S12/S19 bedside monitors and Surveyor S4 wireless mobile monitors. Continuous 12-lead monitoring enables diagnostic 12-lead ECGs with measurements and interpretation automatically printed and exported to an E-Scribe™ data management system. Both the S12 and S19 Surveyor patient monitors support options for pulse oximetry, non-invasive blood pressure, invasive pressures, capnography, temperature and respiration, along with 3, 5, and 12-lead ECG display and storage. Bidirectional communication between the monitors and Surveyor Central provides continuity of patient data, as well as critical settings such as alarms. HL7 data exchange is supported, allowing demographics management at the Hospital Information Systems (HIS), as well as receipt of trend, event, parameter and monitoring status data.


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