Surveyor™ Review Station (Clinical Research)


Surveyor Review Stations give remote access to the Surveyor Central system database with administrator-authorized permissions to enable remote review of in-progress patient monitoring data.

Surveyor Review Stations give remote access to the Surveyor Central system database with administrator-authorized permissions to enable remote review of in-progress patient monitoring data. Standalone Surveyor Review stations can review Surveyor Central monitoring data archived to media or a networked location. Alarm events can be filtered, retrieved and reviewed by hierarchy and groups. A simple mouse click on any event immediately displays the multiparameter patient monitoring data in a user-defined display format. Access full-disclosure navigation and review with date/time entry or a mouse click on a trend point. Printed 12-lead ECGs can include the VERITAS™ 12-lead resting ECG interpretation and global measurements. Plus, the 12-lead ECG interpretation feature supports export to E-Scribe™ data management system.


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